Freezes Related to Floppies or CDs

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Why does my machine crash when a particular floppy or CD is inserted?

Freezes Related to Floppies or CDs

Sometimes you will experience frequent freezes when loading a particular floppy disk or CD. This may be an indication of a dirty or damaged disk.
CDs may need cleaning; check the data surface (the rainbow side) for grunge, scratches, or spots. Use CD cleaning cloths and spray to clean, and be sure you're following manufacturer's directions.
Floppies are not really cleanable ... if you have one which is damaged or dirty, try Norton Utilities (Floppier) to copy the data to a clean disk, and throw the old one away. If you have trouble mounting the disk, try shaking it gently from side to side, and then re-inserting it. It's a good idea to use a cleaning floppy to clean your disk drive after encountering a dirty or damaged disk.



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